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Table 6 DIAP and Trip-chain model: attribute description

From: An activity-based approach for complex travel behaviour modelling

H-W-H is an alternative specific attribute related to the activity pattern 1: Home – Work – Home;

Y o,π is the logsum variable corresponding to the first tour time-of-day choice model, related to origin zone o and activity pattern π

male o is a dummy variable of value 1 if the worker is male, 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the preference of male workers of choosing activity pattern 2: Home – Work – Home – Work – Home

female o is a dummy variable of value 1 if the worker is female, 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the preference of women of choosing activity patterns with more than one activity and starting their activities early in the morning.

NoWork2 is a dummy variable of value 1 if the activity pattern π consists of two tours without a work activity in the second tour (π {3,4,5}), 0 otherwise

Y o,π,I1 is the logsum variable corresponding to the first tour destination choice model, related to origin zone o, activity pattern π and time-of-day I 1

π1 is a dummy variable of value 1 if activity pattern π =1 (Home – Work – Home), 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the preference of choosing time-of-day 3 (start: 7:00–9:30; finish: 17:30–20:00) for H-W-H workers

work_own o is the work on one’s own percentage in origin zone o; this attribute reproduces the preference of this class of workers to work till late in the afternoon (and thus finish the tour between 17:30 and 20:00)

Emp d1 is the logarithm of the number of employees at destination d 1 ; this attribute is representative of zone d 1 attractiveness

Y o,d1,π,I1 is the logsum variable corresponding to the first tour mode choice model, related to origin zone o, destination d 1 , activity pattern π and time-of-day I 1

car is an alternative specific attribute

T o,d1,I1 is the car travel time (in minutes) from origin zone o to the first destination d 1 (and return) during time-of-day I 1

Centre is a dummy variable of value 1 if destination d 1 is inside the city centre, 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the disutility of choosing the car mode for reaching the city centre (caused for example by parking difficulties)

Y o,d1,m1π,I1 is the logsum variable corresponding to the second tour time-of-day choice model, related to origin zone o, destination d 1 , mode m 1 , activity pattern π and time-of-day I 1

fare is the public transport fare (in €)

Tb o,d1,I1 is the public transport on-vehicle time (in minutes) from origin zone o to the first destination d 1 (and return) during time-of-day I 1

Tw o,d1,I1 is the stops waiting time (in minutes) from origin zone o to the first destination d 1 (and return) during time-of-day I 1

Tp o,d1 is the pedestrian walking time (in minutes) from origin zone o to the first stop, between intermediate stops and from the last stop to destination d 1 (and return)

Ntrn o,d1,I1 is the number of transfers from origin zone o to the first destination d 1 (and return) during time-of-day I 1

motorbike is an alternative specific attribute

Tm o,d1 is the motorbike travel time (in minutes) from origin zone o to the first destination d 1 (and return)

age o is the employee percentage in origin zone o with age [18, 29]; this attribute allows us to reproduce the preference of young workers to use the motorbike mode.

ExtraUrb is a dummy variable of value 1 if destination d 1 lies outside the Naples metropolitan area, 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the disutility of choosing the motorbike mode for extra-urban trips

Y o,I2,π,I1,d1,m1 is the logsum variable corresponding to the second tour destination choice model, related to the origin zone o, the time-of-day I 2 , the activity pattern π, the time-of-day I 1 , the destination d 1 and the mode m 1

manager o is the manager percentage in origin zone o; this attribute reproduces the preference of this class of workers of doing work activities in the afternoon (starting between 15:30 and 17:30 and finishing between 17:30 and 20:00)

π_NoWork is a dummy variable of value 1 if activity pattern π does not comprise a work activity in the second tour, 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the preference of doing no work activities in the second tour between 17:30 and 20:00

Emp d2 is the logarithm of the number of employees at destination d 2

Szone is a dummy variable of value 1 if d 1 = d 2 , 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the preference of doing the activity of the second tour within the same zone chosen for the first tour

Y o,d2,I2,π,I1,d1,m1 is the logsum variable corresponding to the second tour mode choice model, related to origin zone o, destination d 2 , time-of-day I 2 , activity pattern π, time-of-day I 1 , destination d 1 and mode m 1

Smode is a dummy variable of value 1 if m 1 = m 2 = car, 0 otherwise; this attribute reproduces the preference of doing the second tour by car if this mode was chosen for the first tour