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Table 2 Categorisation of errors, level 1–3 in accordance to Hacker (2005), distinction within level 3 according to Rasmussen [7] and Vollrath [10]

From: A methodology for improving road safety by novel infrastructural and invehicle technology combinations

Error Level



Level 1: “accident type”

Result of the execution of an error

•Single vehicle accident (with or without collision with an obstacle)

•Frontal collision

•Lateral collision

•Chain/rear collision

•Collision with parked vehicle

•Collision with animal

Level 2: “driving error”

Action that has led to the accident.

•Driving too fast in an unexpected bend on rural roads (error 1)

•Speeding (error 2)

•Wrong use of the lane (error 3)

•Violation of priority rules (error 4)

•Failure when overtaking (error 5)

•Insufficient safety distance (error 6)

Level 3: “human error”

Psychological process that is basis to the driving error.

•information error (lack of perception: e.g. having not noticed the traffic sign while passing)

•diagnostic error (incorrect evaluation of available information)

•performance error (incorrect execution: e.g. having not found the brake pedal)

Level 4: “psycho-physiological condition”

Condition that can influence the psychological process.


•exhaustion, fatigue

•disorders (neurological, cardiovascular)

•intoxication (alcohol, drugs)