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Table 4 Measures to encourage the use of rail transportation adopted in “minimum”, “trend” and “consensus” scenarios. Source: [32], elaborated

From: A heuristic method for determining CO2 efficiency in transportation planning





Measures to encourage the use of rail transportation


Considerable improvement, reduction of technical and administrative barriers

Considerable improvement, reduction of technical and administrative barriers

Considerable improvement, reduction of technical and administrative barriers, optimization of the rail services

Rolling highway

At 2004 level

At 2004 level

At 2003 level

Railroad costs

Slight reduction (−5% for goods)

Slight reduction (−5% for goods)

Considerable reduction


Reduction for profitless transports

Reduction for profitless transports

Slight reduction, but not related to profitless transports. Rail is more funded

Railway traffic market rules

Slight liberalization and broad privatization of freight and passenger transport

Slight liberalization and broad privatization of freight and passenger

Slight liberalization and broad privatization of freight and passenger

Enforcement of railway lines

Realization of Gotthard, Moncenisio and Lötschberg base tunnels

Realization of BRENNER, Gotthard, Moncenisio and Lötschberg base tunnels. In 2025 TEN-T are realized

Realization of BRENNER, Gotthard, Moncenisio and Lötschberg base tunnels. In 2025 TEN-T are realized


Introduction of ERTMS systems for high-capacity lines until 2025

Introduction of ERTMS systems for high-capacity lines until 2025

Introduction of ERTMS systems for all high-capacity lines until 2015

Average rail speed

Slight changes in comparison with current speed

In comparison with current speeds: +3% up to 2015, further + 2% up to 2025

In comparison with trend scenario: +3% up to 2015, further + 2% up to 2025