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Table 2 A conceptual framework of policies for sustainable urban mobility (PSUM)

From: A participative procedure to select indicators of policies for sustainable urban mobility. Outcomes of a national test

Dimensions of urban sustainability


PSUM Objectives

PSUM Performance Indicators

Social sustainability


Increasing the alternatives to mobility

Public and private services accessible via telephone and computer

Easing non-motorized mobility

Walkability and “cyclabilty”

Easing private motorized mobility


Easing public transport

Quantity and quality of public transport


Reducing public space occupied by motorized vehicles

Vehicles- and vehicles*km per km2

Reducing noise generated by mobility

% of population exposed to harmful noise

Reducing air pollutants generated by mobility

Main air pollutants from transport: PMX, COVNM, NOX, CO

Increasing transport safety

Deaths and injuries from traffic accidents

Environmental sustainability

Reducing greenhouse-gasses generated by mobility

CO2 from transport

Reducing waste generated by mobility

Waste from transport

Reducing land consumption generated by mobility

Land occupied by transport infrastructure

Economic sustainability

Reducing mobility costs: public transport

Household expenditures for public transport

Reducing mobility costs: private transport

Household expenditures for private transport