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Table 6 Reviewed other studies

From: Private household demand for vehicles on alternative fuels and drive trains: a review






Gjoen and Hard [36]



EVs are associated with symbolic meanings such as a contribution to a cleaner environmental consciousness.

Norway (EU)

Turrentine and Kurani [88]

Semi-structured interviews with 57 households.

High fuel economy may be valued more for its symbolism (e.g., resource conservation) than for its marginal financial value

California (US)

Heffner et al. [45]


Semi-structured ethnographic interviews with 25 HEV owners including sections on:

The purchase of an HEV is influenced by 5 denotations, each associated with several connotations:

California (US)

- household vehicle history

- preserving the environment (ethical, concerned about others)

- purchase narrative

- opposed to war (ethics)

- symbolic meaning analysis

- manage personal finances (maturity, intelligence)

- HEV benefits and disbenefits

- reduce oil support (personal, national independence)

- vehicle preference exercise

- embrace new technology (individuality, unique)

Heffner et al. [46]


See Heffner et al. [45].

Just as in case of HEVs (see [45]), HFCVs should be differentiated based on these existing meanings and offer new symbolic meanings such as the idea of “extended personal territory”, as they have the potential to provide electricity, even when the vehicle is not in use.

California (US)