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An Open Access Journal

Table 1 Recommendations of the state-of-the-art review

From: Lessons learned from the collaborative European project RESTRAIL: REduction of suicides and trespasses on RAILway property


Detailed description of actions

Achieved during RESTRAIL

Ongoing as follow-up action

Out of RESTRAIL scope

Additional data collection

• Establishment of European database for detailed incident data from national sources



• Development of European wide guidelines for collection of detailed incident data




• Systematic collection of data on frequency of trespassing



• Raising awareness in the railway companies on the importance of collecting data on railway suicides and trespassing accidents to be used as a basis for their decision making




Additional analysis

• Making the assessment of effectiveness a regular element in all plans concerning the implementation of preventative measures




• Developing common methods for the determination of factors contributing to individual trespassing accidents



• Considering in-depth case studies of limited number of suicides and/or trespassing accidents, to gain knowledge of specific features of incidents that are not included in the routine collection of detailed incident data




• Analysing behaviour in accidental and suicide events from larger samples of pre-existing documents or other sources of data to have better understanding of behaviours that indicate risk of subsequent incidents




Better access to information

• Enabling and facilitating access to relevant databases, for researchers but also for the general public



• Making the results of studies on railway suicides and trespassing accidents available to the interested parties more widely, especially to those working in the railway sector



• Promotion of publication of results from studies and experiments in scientific publications, even if the results are not as positive as expected



Encouraged cooperation between organisations

• Cooperation between organisations involved in investigations of railway suicides and trespassing accidents to enable exchange of documented information on the incident