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Table 3 Description of the types of financing for transport infrastructures and risk sharing

From: Planning transport infrastructures in an uncertain context. Analysis and limits to contemporary planning in France


Public financing (public client)

Partnership contract

Concession-holding contract

Provider’s remuneration

Financing by the public authority

Rent paid by the public authority, calculated in accordance with the level to which performance criteria are respected.

Collection of tolls paid by the user

Revenues linked to traffic.


Separated short term contracts with different providers for the design, construction, maintenance and operation. The public authority manages the contracts

The provider is generally responsible for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and cleaning of the infrastructure.

The concession-holder is generally responsible for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and cleaning of the infrastructure.

Risks assumed by the public authority


Risk of force majeure Traffic risk Commercial risk

Risk of force majeure

Risks assumed by the private provider


Political risk

Social risk

Financial risk

Regulatory risk

(depending on the contract)

Technical risk

Geological risk

Operational risk

Maintenance risk


Traffic risk

Commercial risk

Political risk

Social risk

Financial risk

Regulatory risk

(depending on the contract)

Technical risk

Geological risk

Operational risk

Maintenance risk

Penalties (delay, lack of respect of contract clauses or performance criteria)




Bonus should the contract objectives be exceeded




Performance criteria (service quality, etc.)


