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Table 4 Significant parameters of the model

From: Travel behaviour of seniors in Eastern Europe: a comparative study of Brno and Bratislava




Alternative specific constant for using a car as a driver.


Alternative specific constant for using a car as a passenger.


Alternative specific constant for using public transport.

β townageCD

The difference of alternative specific constant for using car as a driver for seniors 70+ living in Brno. Variable town = 0 indicates living in Brno and variable age = 1 indicates age 70+.

β townW

The difference of alternative specific constant for walking for seniors living in Bratislava and Brno. Variable town = 1 indicates living in Bratislava

β ttCD

The utility of travel time by car as a driver in the natural logarithm of minutes.

β ttCP

The utility of travel time by car as a passenger.

β ttPT

The utility of travel time by public transport.

β ttW

The utility of travel time by walk in minutes.

β dlic

Additional utility for using a car as a driver if the respondent was driving license owner.

β car

Additional utility for using a car as a driver if the respondent has used a car.

β genCD

The difference of alternative specific constant for using a car as a driver if the respondent was female. Variable gender = 1 indicates that respondent was female.

β genPT

The difference of alternative specific constant for using public transport if the respondent was female.

β genW

The difference of alternative specific constant for walking if the respondent was female.

β eduCP

The difference of alternative specific constant for using a car as a passenger if the respondent achieved high school diploma or higher level of education. Variable edu = 1 indicates achieved high school diploma or higher level of education.