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Table 2 EU legislative documents concerning the regulation of road and rail freight transport [40]

From: Options for reducing external costs from freight transport along the Brenner corridor


Legislative documents



Common rules for access to the international road haulage market (Regulation no. 1072/2009)

Definition of the common rules to access the international and cabotage markets to promote fair and non-discriminatory competition and the conditions with which non-resident carriers must comply to provide services in the EU (EU driving licence and driver certification).

Goods: towards a safer and more competitive high-quality road transport system (COM (2000) 364)

Reinforcement of the conditions that help to achieve fair competition. Measures have to achieve the following objectives: (1) to develop legislation on the organisation of working hours; (2) to balance working conditions; (3) to improve road transport monitoring; (4) to increase professional training.

Taxation on HGVs transporting freight by road: Eurovignette Directive (Directive 2011/76/EU)

Harmonisation of the conditions under which national authorities can apply taxes, tolls and user charges for road freight transport. The threshold for the application of charges was lowered from 12 t to 3.5 t. Charges can also be applied to motorways, bridges, tunnels and mountain passes, but cannot discriminate on the basis of the carrier’s nationality. National authorities may apply other taxes in case of specific circumstances, such as registration, abnormal loads or congestion.


State aid to railway companies (Community Guidelines on State Aid for Railway Undertakings)

These guidelines clarify the rules established in the EU treaties on public funding for railway companies and provide guidance on the compatibility of state aid to railway companies with EU treaties. Support measures are divided into: (1) support through infrastructure financing; (2) aid for the purchase and renewal of rolling stock; (3) writing off of debts by States, in order to financially restructure railway undertakings; (4) aid for the restructuring of railway undertakings; (5) aid for the coordination of transport; (6) guarantees granted by the State to railway companies.

A European rail network for competitive freight (Regulation (EU) no. 913/2010)

This regulation establishes the rules related to the construction and organisation of international railway network. Establishment of 9 relevant freight corridors that the EU countries concerned need to make operational. Establishment of an executive committee and a management committee. Establishment of a single office, which will make the decisions on the railway routes and stock capacity requests for international freight trains.

Freight transport logistics action plan (COM (2007) 607 def.)

The action plan contains short- and medium-term measures to improve the efficiency and sustainability of freight transport. It includes use of ICT; training of qualified staff; simplification of administrative requirements; reviewing the European legislation in terms of weight and size; transport passes; urban planning measures to accommodate freight transport.

Establishing a single European railway area (Directive 2012/34/EU).

The contents of the first package concern the separation of infrastructure management and transport activities, railway undertaking licences and infrastructure rates. The conditions for accessing the market, services and rules regarding the collection of charges are also defined.