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Table 2 Characteristics of non-accident studies

From: Truck-bicycle safety: an overview of methods of study, risk factors and research needs




Data collection

Sample size

Evaluation method

Definition of conflict

Truck type

Fenn et al., 2005 [24]

Behavioural / Conflict

Examine drivers’ experiences related to close proximity mirrors

Postal survey

311 drivers

Descriptive statistics

Impression of close calls (barely avoiding an accident)

not reported

FDS International (2010) [34]


Evaluate the behaviour related to roadside mirrors


51 drivers 20 cyclists

Descriptive statistics

not relevant

Long goods vehicle

Frings et al., 2012 [35]


Examine gender differences in risk perception associated with various cycling maneuvers near trucks

On-line questionnaire

4596 cyclists

Variance analysis (ANOVA); chi-square analysis

not relevant

Truck over 3,5 t

Conway et al., 2013 [36]


Assess cyclists’ exposure to multimodal conflict in urban on-street bicycle lanes

Direct observations

50 h 35 sites 25 conflicts

Bivariate correlation analyses

To avoid a collision, cyclist must exit the bicycle lane or stop

Trucks and vans

Twisk et al., 2013 [37]


Evaluate awareness programs by examining the decisions of young cyclists when in blind spot areas

Table-top models Quasi-experimental design

62 cyclists

Mixed design ANOVA

not relevant

not reported

Helman et al., 2013 [18]


Assessment of drivers’ tasks while turning left; assessment of driver errors

Accompanied driving followed by short interviews

3 drivers

Cognitive task analysis

not relevant

Construction vehicles

Milner et al., 2016 [38]


Study behaviour related to direct and indirect vision, Improve the understanding of visual processing

Literature review, road user surveys, laboratory experiments

117 drivers 129 cyclists

Descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis

not relevant

not reported

Mole & Wilkie, 2017 [39]


Examine whether mirrors delay driver responses

Simulation of driving tasks

41 drivers

Mixed model ANOVA

not relevant

not reported

Pitera et al., 2017 [40]


Conduct safety evaluation of loading area located next to busy cycle street

Observation with camera

100 h 1 site 2 conflicts

Descriptive statistics

Presence of an evasive action

Delivery truck (excluding vans)


Investigate road users’ understanding of a safety measure

Intercept interviews Camera

39 cyclists 5 drivers

not relevant

Richter & Sachs, 2017 [32]


Examine the driving and gaze behaviour when using turn-off assistant

Simulation of routes

48 drivers

Descriptive statistics

not relevant

Van, delivery truck, truck without trailer, semitrailer truck


Observe the behaviour and conflicts in right-turning maneuvers

Observation with camera

129 h 43 sites 71 conflicts

not reported

Abadi & Hurwitz, 2018 [17]


Investigate cyclists’ perceived level of comfort near urban loading zones

Online questionnaire

342 cyclists

Repeated-measures ANOVA, cluster analysis

not relevant

not reported

Pokorny et al., 2018 [41]


Investigate cyclists’ involvement in conflicts with trucks (frequency, type and characteristics of conflicts)

On-line questionnaire

631 cyclists

Descriptive statistics, multinomial logistic regression

A near collision, but due to the quick reactions of the cyclist and/or driver, accident averted

Large road vehicle used for carrying or pulling goods or materials