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Table 7 Wording of environmental attitude questions summarized as one pro-environmental attitude variable

From: What are the factors and needs promoting mobility-as-a-service? Findings from the Swiss Household Energy Demand Survey (SHEDS)

Likert scale: 1- totally disagree to 5 - totally agree

PROUD when I act in an environmentally friendly manner

HAPPY when I conserve or avoid wasting natural resources

GUILTY when I harm the environment

APPRECIATION towards others when they act in an environmentally friendly manner

WARM towards others when they conserve or avoid wasting natural resources

CONTENT when I act in an environmentally friendly manner

INDIGNANT when others act in an environmentally unfriendly manner

REGRET when I waste natural resources

ANGRY when others act in an environmentally unfriendly manner

ASHAMED when I act in an environmentally unfriendly manner

DISGUSTED when others waste natural resources

POSITIVE towards others when they act environmentally friendly