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Table 2 Questions in the survey and grouping of the respondents and responses

From: Satisfaction with general functionality and safety of travel in relation to residential environment and satisfaction with transport modes

Object of satisfaction

Question in the survey

Answering options (+ I cannot say, excluded from the analyses)

very dissatisfied


neither satisfied nor dissatisfied


very satisfied

Grouping of the respondents

Satisfaction with the general functionality and safety of travel

On this form you have assessed transport conditions from different perspectives. As a conclusion we like to ask, how satisfied are you with the functionality and safety of your journeys in general.

The dissatisfied

The neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

The satisfied

Satisfaction with transport modes

What is your general assessment of 1) walking conditions, 2) cycling conditions, 3) local public transport, 4) car traffic in your own residential area? Additionally, in Greater Helsinki general satisfaction towards different forms of public transport (commuter train, tram, metro, bus) was asked separately.

Dissatisfied with transport mode

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with transport mode

Satisfied with transport mode