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Table 3 Examples for mentioned coping strategies

From: Why drivers are frustrated: results from a diary study and focus groups




Attentional deployment


Distraction by media

‘turn on music’

‘listen to a podcast’

Think about something else

‘count to ten’

‘try to enjoy the landscape’

Distraction by others

‘distraction through talking to someone’

‘talk to co-driver (to distract myself)’

Response modulation



‘curse once and call the other an idiot, after that I’m relaxed’

‘yell out of the window’


‘massage my earlobes’

‘taking a deep breath’


‘smoked a cigarette’

Cognitive change


Think differently about situation

‘I took a step back in thought to get an overview’

‘remind myself that coming home safe is more important than this takeover

Accept situation

‘see the situation more relaxed’

‘I decided to wait’

Talk to someone about situation

‘I talked to my co-driver about the situation’

‘talk about the situation with a friend on the phone’

Change aims

‘communicate that I will be too late’

‘set a new time frame’

Situation modification


Adapt own driving style

‘switch on ACC to 80 (instead of the 100 that is allowed) if streets are crowded’

‘drive slowly’

Look for solution

‘looked for a solution of the problem’

‘ask an expert for help’

Leave situation / take a break

‘look for an alternative route’

‘took a break’

Situation selection


Prevention strategies

‘leave my house on time’

‘avoid places that repeatedly lead to frustration’