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Table 1 Features of the personal car market, their indicators and hypotheses assuming their correlation with the centrality of a given area

From: Do spatial differences in the personal car market reflect a centre-periphery structure? The case of Poland


Indicator (independent variable)

Hypothesis (relationship)


Car ownership (motorisation rate)

Number of personal cars per 1000 inhabitants

H1: higher centrality ➔ higher motorisation rate (+)

[8, 14, 19]

Sales of new cars

Number of new cars sold per 1000 inhabitants

H2: higher centrality ➔ higher sales of new cars (+)

[14, 18, 20]

Import of second-hand cars

Number of imported second-hand cars per 1000 inhabitants

H3: higher centrality ➔ lower import of second-hand cars (−)


Average age of cars

Average age of cars

H4: higher centrality ➔ lower average age of cars (−)


  1. Source: own elaboration