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Table 2 Global studies investigating the evolution of micro-mobility systems and networks

From: The periodicity and initial evolution of micro-mobility systems: a case study of the docked bike-sharing system in New York City, USA



Studies and regions (selective)

The evolution of micro-mobility systems and networks

Different generations of micro-mobility systems;

DeMaio [15] (WW) Shaheen et al. [47] (EU, NA, AS) Almannaa et al. [2] (NA)

Modeling of a growing system

Hamon et al. [22] (EU) Gehrke and Welch [21](NA) He et al. [23] (EU) Wang and Lindsey [57] (NA)

Understand the supply and demand equilibrium from the lens of growth dynamics

Model trip demands at the station level

Yoon et al. [62] (EU) Yang et al. [61] (NA) [13] (NA)

  1. AS—Asia; EU—Europe; NA—North America; OC—Oceania; WW—worldwide