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Table 1 Challenges clustered in Social, Technology, Economic, Environmental and Policy components

From: Framework for connecting the mobility challenges in low density areas to smart mobility solutions: the case study of Estonian municipalities

STEEP Component



Social inclusion (Organising transoprt according to social requirement, social & mobility impaired transport, transport for school and kindergarten)

Mobility tracing (Social behaviour as input for deveelopment of social services, public transport, and better planning of the city’s development, monitoring, municipality border crossing)

Social change (Changing travel patterns, reducing car usage, increasing active mobility)

Participatory planning (In governance and decision making, developing cooperation between the local governments, NGOs, and private enterprises)


Infrastructural improvement (Street infrastructure for V2X technologies, improving traffic signs, smart parking, traffic calming, adaptive lights, upgrading PT technology)

Traffic management (Replacing the static with dynamic analysis tools, dynamic parking fee, adaptive traffic management)

Security (Traffic data security, Cyber security)

Information (Deployment of electronic and mobile services, smart integrated + e/governance, information prcessing capacity, data-based governance and cooperation, unsystematic information and its readibility & transferability, Streamlining information system, big data for decision making, timely processing)

Planning (Technology integration, uniform level of services provision, reorganizing & devloping real time PT, improving traffic security, automation, understanding travel patterns, Smart city transition management, surveying, Managing geographical information, introducing digital on-demand/ other services)


Transport systems cost (Meeting PT operation costs, Public transport system advancement cost, capacity development for traffic flow analysis, power supply costs, real time data monitoring costs, Maritime upgratation and airfield development, construction of transfer centres for public transport)

Sustainability transition cost (Hydrogen fuel operation, charging infrastructure cost, transport system component advancement cost)

Decision making (Economic decision making, shutting of long distance buses, PT investment prioritization, fuel transition)


Motivation for adopting sustainable practices

Implementation of environmentally-friendly PT services

Pollution (Sustainable insfrastructure and fuels)

Planning/documenting for sustainable urban traffic


Revising Infrastructural development (cycling and pedestrian infrastructure in streets,rebuiding streets and squares, reducing parking. car-free zones, setting organisational hierarchy, developing public transport network, improving urban–rural connections, social/school transport)

Information and governance (Access of information, Lack of disaggregated data, integrated administration of departments and institutions, inclusive governance, organisational reforms, alligning goals with decision making, collaboration with other municipatlities)

Planning (Sustainable development pracices, reorganizing public transport, intermodality, distribution of mobility, road pricing, polycentric urban environment, revisingcity walking plan, enhancing public trust on PT, safety improvements for active mobility)

Developing niches (Establishing multi-modal mobility services, Development of Smart Transport and Mobility Hub, Regulations for new novel transport services, difficulty in attracting companise to small municipalities)

Decision making (Understanding the data usability, Adopting evidence-based nature of discretionary decisions, data-based governance and decisions initiatives, participatory planning for transport policy development)