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Table 2 Key to symbols used

From: Sustainable development assessment of incentive-driven shared on-demand mobility systems in rural settings

\(\left\{ {\left( {i,j} \right)} \right\}\)

Sets of O-D pairs

\({\mathbf{L}},\mathop {\mathbf{L}}\limits\)

Level of service vector, agreed minimum~

\(\left\{ \tau \right\}\)

Discrete fulfillment time windows


Road distance, specific detour factor ≥ 1, detour factor i-j at equilibrium

\(\pi\),\(\pi ^{\prime}\)

Trip party size, extra car passengers taken


Ridesharing supply adoption function and functional parameters

\(T\), \(\overline{T}\)

Person trip count per period, before/after DRT introduction

\(c_{O} ,c_{Eb} ,c_{E\pi ^{\prime}}\)

Unit vehicle operating, external unit costs


Proportion of non-elective users

\(r_{0} ,r_{1}\)

Passenger transport compensation (fix, unit)


Choice probability

\(w_{P} , w_{D}\)

Passengers’/drivers’ willingness-to-pay


Systematic/observable utility


Choice sets before, after market entry


Budget needed to incentivize routes of public interest

\(\sigma_{{\mathbf{L}}} , \sigma_{T}\)

Step functions: relevance of supply, demand


Modal choice option


Supplier surplus if ridesharing is adopted

\({\text{R}}, {\text{R}}^{{\prime }} , {\text{R}}^{{\prime \prime }}\)

\(\left( {i,j,\tau } \right)\) Residuals, Option I


Expected received utility (E.R.U.)