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Table 4 Descriptive statistics of the study database on junctions*

From: A comparative evaluation of the safety performance of bus priority route configurations

Characteristic (variable in the model)

Statistics: categories with percent distribution; mean and sd for numeric values; for accidents—frequencies per site with percent distribution

Type of BPR configuration combined with bus-overtaking possibility (BPR type_Bus_over)

(1) curbside—57%; (2) open center-lane—17%; (30) barrier-separated central and no bus-overtaking—20%; (31) barrier-separated central with bus-overtaking—6%

Type of area combined with number of lanes for general traffic and with level of pedestrian activity (avp)

(001) urban, 1 lane, high—12%; (010) urban, 2–3 lanes, low—6%; (011) urban, 2–3 lanes, high—67%; (110) suburban, 2–3 lanes, low—15%

Year of accident occurrences (Year)

(1) 2010—23%, (2) 2011—25%, (3) 2012—26%, (4) 2013—26%

Vehicle traffic on main road, in ten thousands

Mean 3.0, sd 1.3, min 0.4, max 5.9

Vehicle traffic on secondary road, in ten thousands

Mean 2.1, sd 1.7, min 0.1, max 8.5

Categories of vehicle traffic on main road, in ten thousands (Cat_veh_main)

(1) up to 2–22%, (2) between 2–3–26%, (3) between 3–4—29%, (4) over 4–23%

Categories of vehicle traffic on secondary road, in ten thousands (Cat_veh_sec)

(1) up to 2–25%, (2) between 2–3–37%, (3) between 3–4–26%, (4) over 4–12%

Bus traffic, in thousands

Mean 1.4, sd 0.6, min 0.2, max 3.9

Categories of bus traffic, in thousands (Cat_bus)

(1) up to 1–26%, (2) between 1–1.5–30%, (3) between 1.5–2–26%, (4) over 2–18%

1—Total injury accidents

0–42.2%, 1–20.2%, 2–13.5%, 3 or more—24.1%

2—Severe accidents

0–83.0%, 1–13.5%, 2–3.1%, 3–0.4%

3—Pedestrian accidents

0–74.0%, 1–16.2%, 2–7.3%, 3 or more—2.5%

4—Bus accidents

0–85.5%, 1–11.0%, 2–2.7%, 3 or more—0.8%

5—Bus & pedestrian accidents

0–91.7%, 1–6.9%, 2–1.0%, more—0.4%

  1. *N = 519. Vehicle and bus traffic volumes—per 14 h of day