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Table 5 Synthesis of the comparison between forecasts (final draft design files) and the results attained by the constructed infrastructures (traffic, travel time, safety, cost and profitability)

From: Planning transport infrastructures in an uncertain context. Analysis and limits to contemporary planning in France



Travel time





Financial profitability

Lower than forecasts

8 projects

7 projects

5 projects


9 projects

7 projects

In compliance with forecasts


3 projects

2 projects


1 project


Greater than forecasts

4 projects


1 project

8 projects

(Additional cost of between 7 and 22%)

3 projects (including additional cost of between 1 and 4.5%)

1 project

3 projects

But moderate rate of return

  1. Source: LOTI assessments. Motorways (A 51, A 57, A 20, A 54, A 66, A 83, A 14, A 75, LGV Méditerranée, LGV Rhône Alpes, LGV Atlantique, LGV Est)
  2. Note: data is not available for all criteria. This occasionally brings the total number of infrastructures down to below 12