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An Open Access Journal

Table 5 Loading of factors

From: Conjoint analysis of mobility plans in the city of Dresden


factor 1

factor 2

factor 3

factor 4

What significance does a car have for you?

Please rate the following statements. A car...

... provides independence*





... provides driving pleasure*





... is a family necessity*





... is an occupational necessity*





If you have different means of transport to choose

from, what criteria do you use to decide?

required travel time





flexible arrival and departure





no change of means of transport necessary





exercise during the journey (sport)





environmental friendliness of transport mode





usable travel time





independence from weather





transportation of goods





Cronbach’s alpha





  1. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin-criterion = 0,674; Chi square = 690.581; Bartlett sign. = 0.000; explained variance = 58.46; Cronbach’s alpha = 0.615; *car related variables. Significant loadings (>0.6) of items on to factors are marked bold