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Table 1 Reliability of constructs by Cronbach Alpha Test

From: Modelling public attitude towards drone delivery in Germany

Latent variable

Observed variable

Variable names

Cronbach alpha


How much would you agree to the following statement:


In general, I am well informed about new technologies

Well informed


I get easily enthusiastic about new technologies


I am always interested in new technologies


 Expected risks

How bad it would be for you…


…the noise from parcel deliveries with drones



…the fact that parcel deliveries with drones would mean the personal contact between recipient and delivery driver would disappear?

Loss of personal contact

…the stress caused by drones flying around to deliver packages


…the fact that delivery drivers would lose their jobs as a result of parcel deliveries with drones?

Job loss

…that parcel deliveries with drones would block your free view of the sky

Blocked sky

 Expected benefits

How important would be for you…


…that parcel deliveries with drones would be reliable



…that you would get your parcels delivered quickly

Fast delivery

…that parcel deliveries with drones would be environmentally friendly

Environmentally friendly

…that you could use drones to have parcels delivered to a place of your choice, e.g., balcony or garden

Spatial flexibility

…that your parcels would be delivered at an exact time of your choice

Time flexibility


How much would you agree to the following statement:


I think that parcel deliveries with drones are environmentally friendly than package deliveries with a delivery van



I imagine parcel deliveries with drones to be safe


Parcel deliveries with drones would have a positive effect on the quality of life in cities

Quality of life

Parcel deliveries with drones would bring me advantages in my everyday life
