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An Open Access Journal

Table 3 Search strings used in the Nordic review

From: Factors that make public transport systems attractive: a review of travel preferences and travel mode choices

Search strings used in the international review


("stated preference" OR "SP" OR "discrete choice experiment*" OR "mode choice model") AND (Sweden OR Norway OR Denmark OR Finland OR Iceland OR Scandinavia* OR Nordic) AND (“public trans*” OR “mass trans*” OR “bus” OR “train” OR “subway” OR “metro” OR “tram”)


("stated preference" OR "SP" OR "discrete choice experiment*" OR "mode choice model") AND (Sweden OR Norway OR Denmark OR Finland OR Iceland OR Scandinavia* OR Nordic) AND (“transportation mode” OR “transit mode” OR “mode choice” OR “mode use”)


("stated preference" OR "SP" OR "discrete choice experiment*" OR "mode choice model") AND (Sweden OR Norway OR Denmark OR Finland OR Iceland OR Scandinavia* OR Nordic) AND (travel* OR commute* OR passenger*)


("Stated preference" OR "SP" OR "Revealed preference" OR "RP" OR "discrete choice experiment*" OR "mode choice" OR "customer satisfaction" OR "public trans*demand") AND (Sweden OR Norway OR Denmark OR Finland OR Iceland OR Scandinavia* OR Nordic) AND (("public trans*" OR "mass trans*" OR "bus" OR "train" OR "subway" OR "metro" OR"tram") OR ("transportation mode" OR "transit mode" OR "mode choice" OR "mode- use") OR (travel* OR commute* OR passenger*))