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European Transport Research Review

An Open Access Journal

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Featured Collection: TRA 2024 Dublin - Transport Transitions (Highlights of the 2024 Transport Research Arena conference)

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility. 

This Topical Collection contains selected high-quality papers presented at TRA Dublin 2024 (April 15-18), invited by the Chair of the Programme Committee for TRA2024. Keep on checking the collections website as papers will be added continuously to the 'Collection Articles' list after acceptance.

Featured Article: The periodicity and initial evolution of micro-mobility systems: a case study of the docked bike-sharing system in New York City, USA

Micro-mobility services are booming in many cities across the globe. In the paper, The periodicity and initial evolution of micro-mobility systems: a case study of the docked bike-sharing system in New York City, Liye Zhang and Jie Song develop an integrated research framework allowing to examine the growth trajectories micro-mobility systems. The  framework was applied using collected cycling trips from Citi Bike, a docked bike-sharing scheme in New York City, USA. The paper shows how a newly launched bicycle sharing system grows spatially and temporally. The majority of stations show exponential growth, but several docking stations have very distinct temporal growth patterns

Ongoing article collections

Reproducible Research in Transportation
Edited by: Silvia Francesca Varotto, Christine Buisson, Zuduo Zheng, Nicolas Saunier, Cathy Wu

The transformation of travel behaviors in ever changing Central and Eastern Europe (IATBR 2024)
Edited by: Miloš Mladenović, Stefanie Peer, Yusak Susilo

Highlights of the 51st European Transport Conference (ETC 2023)
Edited by: António Lobo, Fulvio Silvestri

TRA 2024 Dublin - Transport Transitions (Highlights of the 2024 Transport Research Arena conference)
Edited by: Ciaran McNally

TRA 2022 Lisbon “Moving together – reimagining mobility worldwide”
Edited by: Karst Geurs and Luis de Picado Santos

Highlights of the 50th European Transport Conference (ETC 2022)
Edited by: Pierluigi Coppola, António Lobo

Advances in Mobility as a Service
Edited by: Steve O’Hern, Heikki Liimatainen and Milos Mladenovic

Transport for Inclusive Societies - 2022 ITF Pre-Summit Research Day
Edited by: Karst Geurs

Challenges and methods in road safety improvement: beyond the low-hanging fruit (ICTCT2022)
Edited by: Wafa Elias and Attila Borsos

View all current and past collections

Aims and scope

European Transport Research Review (ETRR) is a peer-reviewed open access journal publishing original high-quality scholarly research and developments in areas related to transportation science, technologies, policy and practice. Established in 2008 by the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the Journal provides researchers and practitioners around the world with an authoritative forum for the dissemination and critical discussion of new ideas and methodologies that originate in, or are of special interest to, the European transport research community. The journal is unique in its field, as it covers all modes of transport and addresses both the engineering and the social science perspective, offering a truly multidisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, engineers and policymakers. ETRR is aimed at a readership including researchers, practitioners in the design and operation of transportation systems, and policymakers at the international, national, regional and local levels.

ETRR covers the following main areas of interest:

  • Mobility and travel behavior
  • Transportation safety and security
  • Transportation economics
  • Transportation planning and policy
  • Human factors in transportation
  • Traffic and demand management
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Freight transport and logistics
  • Air and waterway transport
  • Transportation impacts of emerging vehicle technologies
  • Environmental issues in transportation and climate change
  • Equity, social and health issues related to transport


Examples of particular topics of interest are: urban logistics, intermodal transport systems, transitions towards sustainable transport, accessibility and equity analysis, technologies for improving network and vehicle efficiency, advances in integrated transport systems and intermodal transportation, traffic safety analysis, traffic flow theory and modeling, IT technologies for transport data collection and analysis, strategies for vehicle-to-vehicle communications and the transport impacts and indirect impacts of autonomous vehicles.
ETRR does not publish papers which focus purely on (road/rail) infrastructure technology, vehicle technology or information technology, but we welcome papers on the transport system impacts (e.g. improving network or vehicle efficiency) and/or policy impacts/implications of various (vehicle/infrastructure/information) technological developments.

The Journal encourages thematic collections of related articles from major European transport research projects, major conferences such as the TRA, ETC and WCTR, and international networks such as NECTAR.

ETRR aims to disseminate and discuss new ideas and methodologies that originate in, or are of special interest to, the European transport research community. While its focus is on Europe, it will be of interest to anyone wishing to learn from European experience or to develop new applications for European practice. We consider papers on non-European case studies if the relevance for the European transportation research field is sufficiently made clear.



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Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 5.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.8
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.640
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.106

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 24
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 251

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 786,682
    Altmetric mentions: 136

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